


Smart Labels: A Simple Guide to What They Are

As technology keeps evolving, industries are creating smart products, and labels are also not an exception! Let us take a simple look at the basics of smart labels in this article. What are Smart Labels? Smart labels, also known as Intelligent labels or RFID labels, are a type of labelling technology that goes beyond traditional […]

Why Do Barcode Scanners Use Red light?

Have you ever noticed that barcode scanners mostly use red light? There are smart reasons behind it! In this article, we will explore why red light is the preferred choice for barcode scanners. Clear Contrast: Red light is excellent at creating a sharp contrast against the black and white lines of a barcode. This contrast […]

Think! Why Your Product Label is More Than Just a Label?

Have you ever looked at a product label and thought – “Oh, it’s only a label”? Well, in this article, let’s talk about why your product label is much more important than just being a mere information slip. Brand Identification: Product labels are often a customer’s first impression and interaction with a brand. A well-designed […]

Eco-Friendly Labels: Boosting Your Brand, Saving Our Planet!

Our previous article, “Choosing Eco-Friendly Labels: A Wise Move for Your Brand and Our Planet!”, explored the responsibility of business owners and how they can contribute towards the environment by using Eco-friendly labels. Well, in this article, we discuss the benefits of choosing Eco-friendly labels that go beyond responsibility, shaping a sustainable path for your […]

Choosing Eco-Friendly Labels: A Wise Move for Your Brand and Our Planet!

Now more than before, being kind to our environment is every human’s responsibility. If you’re a business owner, you might be wondering how you can contribute to a greener planet while also benefiting your brand. The answer? Eco-friendly labels! What is Eco – friendly label? An Eco – friendly label is a type of label […]

QR CODE VS BARCODE – Where to use

QR codes and Barcodes have become important tools for businesses and individuals. In this article, we will explore the distinct characteristics of QR codes and Barcodes and help you understand where each is best suited. QR Code QR code or QUICK RESPONSE CODE are square-shaped two-dimensional codes that can store a significant amount of data. […]

Understanding CMYK – Label Printing Process

The CMYK colour format is widely used in the printing industry, especially for printing labels. CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black), which are the primary colours used in this method. In this blog post, we will take a look through the steps involved in CMYK printing. Steps Involved in CMYK Printing: In this […]


Shipping labels contain essential information that helps identify the parcel’s contents and shipping details. Typically, sellers use the product rather than the product name, and the label displays the seller’s details and the delivery address. The label also includes contact numbers for both the seller and buyer. For the delivery process, a shipping label must […]


Everybody admires a go-getter. These are the ones who, even when they have to pick things upon the fly, figure out how to get things done. Frequently, it’s the same enthusiasm and drive thatinspires you to launch your own business and carve out your niche in a crowded industry.It’s essential to remember that occasionally pursuing […]


The sticker or label is one of the tools that many businesses employ, but it is infrequentlyrecognized or even appreciated for the features it offers. Whichever name you givethem—labels or stickers—these are important to the success of any business.There are several uses for these self-adhesive tags, some of which keep work orderly andwithout which mayhem […]